SaaSykit is a Laravel-based boilerplate with everything you need to build an awesome SaaS.
SaaSykit is a multi-tenant SaaS starter kit (boilerplate) that comes packed with all components required to run a modern SaaS software.
SaaSykit is built using the beautiful Laravel framework TALL and offers an intuitive Filament admin panel that houses all the pre-built components like product, plans, discounts, payment providers, email providers, transactions, blog, user & role management, and much more.
SaaSykit is developer-friendly, uses best coding practices, comes with an ever-growing automated tests that cover the critical components that it offers.
Multi-tenancy (SaaSykit Tenancy): Effortlessly build multi-tenant applications with seat-based subscriptions and a seamless checkout experience. Invite users to tenants, assign permissions within each tenant, and manage your team efficiently. Billing is automatically synced with payment providers as users are added or removed from tenants. Multiple payment providers: Stripe, Paddle, and Lemon Squeezy support out of the box. Customize Styles: Customize the styles & colors, error page of your application to fit your brand. Product, Plans & Pricing: Create and manage your products, plans, and pricing from a beautiful and easy-to-use admin panel. Beautiful checkout process: Your customers can subscribe to your plans from a beautiful checkout process. Huge list of ready-to-use components: Plans & Pricing, hero section, features section, testimonials, FAQ, Call to action, tab slider, and much more. User authentication: Comes with user authentication out of the box, whether classic email/password or social login (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github, LinkedIn, and more). Discounts: Create and manage your discounts to reward your customers. SaaS metric stats: View your MRR, Churn rates, ARPU, and other SaaS metrics. Multiple email providers: Mailgun, Postmark, Amazon SES, and more coming soon. Blog: Create and manage your blog posts. User & Role Management: Create and manage your users and roles, and assign permissions to your users. Fully translatable: Translate your application to any language you want. Sitemap & SEO: Sitemap and SEO optimization out of the box. Admin Panel: Manage your SaaS application from a beautiful admin panel powered by FilamentPHP. User Dashboard: Your customers can manage their subscriptions, change payment method, upgrade plan, cancel subscription, and more from a beautiful user dashboard powered by FilamentPHP. Automated Tests: Comes with automated tests for critical components of the application. One-line deployment: Provision your server and deploy your application easily with integrated PHP Deloyer support. Developer-friendly: Built with developers in mind, uses best coding practices. And much more...